
Ali Pamir Kaplan

We offer comprehensive online mental health treatment options to meet all your needs.

About me

Ali Pamir Kaplan, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 2018 from Sabancı University, Department of Psychology, completing his undergraduate education. Following his bachelor’s degree, he obtained a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology in 2023. Since 2020, Ali Pamir Kaplan has been professionally working in the field of individual/adult counselling. His main focus is on clinical applications of Psychodynamic Psychotherapies, specifically in the areas of depression and anxiety disorders. Ali Pamir Kaplan has completed the theoretical and practical training module in psychodynamic psychotherapies and cognitive behavioral psychotherapies in order to enhance his expertise in his field.

Ali Pamir Kaplan is pleased to provide services under Hypoworry and looks forward to meeting you.

Professional experience

Especially in anxiety disorders, depression

Clinical Approaches

Psychodynamic Psychotherapies

Diplomas and Certificates

MA in Clinical Psychology, Bahçeşehir University

BA in Psychology, Sabanci University

• Virginia Satir Blended Family Therapy Session Analysis (2019) Participant Partcipated in analysis of a therapy session conducted by Dr. Virginia Satir.

• Irvin Yalom Psychoterapy Session Analysis (2019) Participant Participated in analysis of a therapy session conducted by Dr. Irvin Yalom.

• Childhood Assessment Tests Training (2019) Trainee Received training in conducting Catell 2A-3A, Porteus, D2, Frankfurter, Burdon, Bender Gestalt, Benton, Metropolitan, Gesell, Agte, Goodenough and Peabody tests.

• 4th Istanbul Adition Symposium (2019) Participant Participated in Relapse Prevention in Addiction, ACT and Gambling Addiction Diagnosis and Treatment Plan workshops.

• Motivational Interviewing Techniques from Prof. Dr. Kültegin Ögel (2020) Participant

• Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Training (2020) Participant

• Introduction to Psychoanalysis Seminar Series (2021) Participant

• Cognitive Therapy Skills Training Workshop: Intake by Dr. Emel Stroop (2021) Participant

• Cognitive Therapy Skills Training Workshop: Depression by Dr. Emel Stroop (2021) Participant

• Cogniyive Therapy Skills Training Workshop: Anxiety by Dr. Emel Stroop (2022) Participant

• Cognitice Therapy Skills Training Workshop: OCD by Dr. Emel Stroop (2022) Participant Participant

• Introduction to Sex Therapy by CETAD (2022) Participant • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training by Giunti Psychometrics (2023) Participant

Educational Background

BA in Psychology, Sabanci University

MA in Clinical Psychology, Bahçeşehir University

Languages Known And Proficiency Levels

English – Native or Bilingual Proficiency

French – Elementary Proficiency

Turkish – Native Speaker

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