
Suicide Prevention Contract

I promise not to commit suicide when I have thoughts of harming myself and to follow the plan below. I prepared this crisis plan together with my psychologist .

1.I agree to call the following people by phone when I have thoughts of harming myself.

(Please fill in by writing at least one name.)

  1. Name and Surname of first degree relative:
  2. Name and Surname of first degree relative:
  3. Name and Surname of a relative or friend:

2.If I still have thoughts of harming myself, I agree to go to one of the places listed below.

(Please fill in with at least one place name.)

  1. Somewhere near your house:
  2. Somewhere near your work or school:
  3. A favorite place:

3.If I still have thoughts of harming myself, I agree to go to the Emergency Service of the nearest hospital.

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