
İnformed Consent Form

Dear Sir / Ms.

Before beginning our online counselling sessions, it is crucial that you read and understand the following informed consent terms. This document aims to provide you with the necessary information about privacy, policies, and services to make sure clear communication between you and your psychologist.

Please carefully read the information below regarding your and our rights and responsibilities. This information is crucial for us to serve you better and for the consultancy process to proceed more effectively.

  1. Services: Our online sessions involve licensed and experienced psychologists offering a range of counselling approaches tailored to your preferences. The success of our sessions depends on the client’s cooperation and open communication with the psychologist. You can finalize your sessions at any time without penalty. If necessary, your psychologist may suggest that you see a psychiatrist to evaluate your condition.
  2. Mode of sessions: The sessions will be conducted by a secure video-conferencing platform.
  3. Confidentiality: We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information and sessions. Strict confidentiality policies were followed to protect the data. Whilst confidentiality is a priority, there are certain exceptions where disclosure is required by law covering cases of abuse, risk of suicide, harm to yourself and/or others. In that cases, we may share information about you without your consent only in accordance with professional ethical principles and laws, and when required, with authorized authorities and courts.
  4. Duration of sessions: All sessions last 45 minutes. If your psychologist deems it necessary, the consultation time may exceed the specified time or be shorter. It is important to make sure that you will not be disturbed during the session and should not consume alcohol or any substances that may affect your level of consciousness before the session. You are responsible for ensuring these conditions are met.
  5. Risks and benefits: Like any other form of counselling, online counselling has potential risks and benefits. It offers high accessibility and flexibility, while there might be limitations in addressing complex mental health issues or emergencies.
  6. Payment and fees: In case you cannot attend the session, you have the right to cancel your session free of charge, at least 24 hours before the session time. Sessions not canceled up to 24 hours in advance will be charged.

By approving the informed consent form, which guarantees that the counselling sessions will not be recorded in a digital format and that the confidentiality of the client will be protected in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation, you also commit to respecting the confidentiality of the psychologist. Unless agreed upon in advance, you agree not to listen to the session through any means or record the sessions using any device, thereby ensuring the protection of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

I have been informed about the processing of my personal data including sensitive personal data defined in the General Data Protection Regulation, its use and sharing limited to the purpose of processing within the scope of the relevant process, and its storage within the required period, that I have my free will and express consent; I acknowledge that I have read and understood this Disclosure Statement.

I have read and agree to the policies written above (must be signed by a parent under the age of 18).


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